Dial 2-1-1 or 1-844-342-5211

Sports Program


Offers an inclusive soccer program for autistic and disabled youth, which includes competing on a regional league. Offers equipment, such as cleats, shin guards, socks, and short to students in financial need, as well as equipment for practices and games. Coordinates full length and mini skills camps for community organizations and schools across the country.

Eligibility: Eligibility varies; call or go online for more information

Application Process: Call or go online for information and services

Required Documentation: Call for required documentation

Fees: Call for fee information

Unites States


Provides services to improve the quality of life of Autistic individuals, and those with related diagnoses, and their families through advocacy, outreach, peer supports, education, information and referral services. 

369 Lexington Avenue
Second Floor
New York NY 10017

Website: grasp.org

Hours: Monday - Thursday, 2 PM - 10 PM

Disabled: Not applicable; services provided off-site


888-474-7277 (888-47GRASP)

Email: info@grasp.org

Website: grasp.org/soccer

369 Lexington Avenue
Second Floor
New York NY 10017


Administrative hours: Monday - Thursday, 2 PM - 10 PM
Program hours vary based on need
call for details

Disabilities Access

Not applicable; services provided off-site


Website translation services available