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Self Direction & Broker Services


* Support individuals or families in managing an approved personal resource allocations budget or hiring and managing support staff directly.
* Serves as a financial intermediary, provides necessary staff training, collects Medicaid documentation to support billing and serve as the co-employer of staff hired by the individual and/or family.

Eligibility: Call for information.

Application Process: Call for appointment.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: Call for information.

Madison County.

The Arc of Madison Cortland

The Arc of Madison Cortland is an organization that helps individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities.

701 Lenox Avenue
Oneida NY 13421

Website: arcofmc.org

Hours: M-F 8:00AM-4:00PM



701 Lenox Avenue
Oneida NY 13421

This program is offered at this site:

The Arc of Madison Cortland

Main Address:

701 Lenox Avenue

Oneida NY 13421
