Found 3 resources (displaying 3)
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Organizational Training Services
Domestic Violence Program of Herkimer County - Program
Catholic Charities of Herkimer County
61 West Street
Ilion, NY
Offers crisis and supportive services to victims of domestic violence and their children or other non-offending family members. Provides comprehensive emergency sheltering services for adults in crisis and their children as well as a 24-hour hotline for support and crisis services. Offers accompaniment and advocacy services through legal, medical, housing, and social services.Offers individual and family counseling regarding relationship and family violence as well as support groups. Works with …
Opioid Overdose Prevention Program - Program
New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute
100 S Mall Arterial
Room 387
Albany, NY
Links to over 700 registered opioid overdose prevention programs throughout NYS provide free training and furnish free or with health insurance – low costs- naloxone kits to the community. Offers Opioid Overdose Program Directory: Offers Naloxone Co-payment Assistance Program (N-CAP), an important pharmacy benefit for all New Yorkers who have prescription coverage through their health insurance plans. Co-payments for …