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Personal/Grooming Supplies Donation Programs

Found 3 resources (displaying 3)

Basic Needs and Assistance - Program
ARISE Child and Family Service, Inc.

635 James Street
Syracuse, NY

Program offers assistance, information, education and referral about benefits, housing, nursing home advocacy and diversion to avoid moving into a nursing home, respite services for care givers, consumer-directed personal services, traumatic brain injury services, and a personal care bank for toiletries and supplies for families in need.

Community Action Angels Program - Program
Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency

38 Morgan Street
Ilion, NY

Provides assistance to low-income families and individuals with emergency needs, such as, personal items, household items, food, and clothing. 

Health & Wellness - Program
ARISE Child and Family Service, Inc.

635 James Street
Syracuse, NY

Offers health care advocacy, diabetes and chronic disease prevention, outpatient mental health services and school-based mental health services.