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Herkimer County

Found 26 resources (displaying 1 - 10)

Herkimer County Veteran's Service Agency - Program
Herkimer County Government

109 Mary Street
Suite 1103
Herkimer, NY

Provides information and assistance to veterans, family members, and active military personnel in obtaining records, benefits, and entitlements from the Department of Veteran's Affairs.

Herkimer County Public Health Nursing Service - Program
Herkimer County Public Health Nursing Service

301 N Washington Street
Herkimer, NY

Provides public health services that include:  Rabies Prevention (receive notification of all dog bites in the county and work with the person that was bitten to make sure they get screened for rabies risk and the need for post-exposure prophylaxis). Lead Poisoning Prevention (works with families of children at risk for, or with an elevated blood lead level to reduce that child's level).  Testing is not provided by public health but a referral is made to the NYS office. Immunization Program ( …

Sexual Violence Services and Child Advocacy Center of Herkimer County - Program
YWCA of the Mohawk Valley

7 Rutger Park
Utica, NY

Provides crisis intervention services to victims of sexual violence.  Services include 24-hour hotline, advocacy, and accompaniment through medical, law enforcement and court proceedings, counseling, and support groups.

Prevention Services - Program
Center for Family Life and Recovery

502 Court Street
Suite 401
Utica, NY

Addresses the opiate epidemic problems in the community through the Oneida County Opiate Task Force. Works on suicide prevention in the community by strengthening the coordination and accessibility of services, providing awareness of suicide prevention facilitated by the Oneida County Suicide Prevention Coalition. Provides navigators to help those affected by addiction, and to navigate treatment, insurance and area support.Offers locations to safely dispose of expired and unused medications (p …

Rural Health Network Development Program - Program
Herkimer County HealthNet Inc.

320 N Main Street
Suite 3300
Herkimer, NY

Offers community workshops and presentations targeted at adult caregivers and seniors who might be at risk for a fall. Provides support for rural providers to improve access to care, enhance coordination of services, increase efficiency of service delivery, and introduce needed community services through the formation and operation of rural health networks.

Domestic Violence Program of Herkimer County - Program
Catholic Charities of Herkimer County

61 West Street
Ilion, NY

Offers crisis and supportive services to victims of domestic violence and their children or other non-offending family members. Provides comprehensive emergency sheltering services for adults in crisis and their children as well as a 24-hour hotline for support and crisis services. Offers accompaniment and advocacy services through legal, medical, housing, and social services.Offers individual and family counseling regarding relationship and family violence as well as support groups. Works with …

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Region 6 - Agency

317 Washington Street
Watertown, NY

Funds, manages, and oversees all state programs designated to protect and enhance the environment including air resources, environmental permits, environmental remediation, fisheries, forest rangers, forestry, law enforcement of environmental conservation law, materials management, real property services, water and wastewater, and wildlife information and education. Region 6 covers Western Adirondacks and Lake Champlain, including Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Oneida, and St. Lawrence counties. 

Safety First Syringe Exchange - Program
ACR Health

637 West Genesee Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides access to sterile injection sup0plies as well as safe disposal of used syringes. Offers naloxone (Narcan) training, safety planning, and risk reduction counseling. 

Corrections Health Initiative - Program
ACR Health

627 West Genesee Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides health services to individuals who are currently incarcerated. Services include outreach, education, and testing to prevent the spread of HIV, Hepatitis C, and STIs, and assists individuals living with HIV and Hepatitis to develop a care plan once they're discharged back to the community.

Surrogate Decision Making Committee - Program
Empowered Pathways

502 Court Street
Suite 234
Utica, NY

Administers the Surrogate Decision Making Committee programs that aids in making medical decisions for the disabled. Dental Procedures Medical Care End-of-Life Decisions

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