Food $en$e - Program
Food Bank of Central New York
7066 Interstate Island Road
Syracuse, NY
Offers a food buying club for individuals looking to stretch their food budgets.Herkimer County host sites:First Presbyterian Church 90 Morgan Road, Ilion, NY 13357Contact: Lori Joy, 315-894-9917 x254Madison County host sites:Community Church3824 Swamp Road, Morrisville, NY 13408Contact: Sue Geer, 315-697-5700 x224Karing Kitchen226 Farrier Avenue, Oneida Towers, Oneida, NY 13421Contact: Melissa King, 315-761-8135Madison County Office for the Aging138 Dominic Bruno Boulevard, Canastota, NY …
On Point for College - Agency
488 West Onondaga Street
Syracuse, NY
Provides a college access and success program which helps low-income and first-generation college students enroll and stay in college. Services include support with college and financial aid applications, follow-up advisement, limited financial assistance, transportation to and from college, and provision of college supplies. Offers Career Action Planning which includes career exploration and assessments, career readiness and soft skills training, opportunity fairs, networking, interview …
Orientation and Mobility Services - Program
Central Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CABVI)
507 Kent Street
Utica, NY
Teaches blind and visually impaired individuals techniques for determining locations and traveling safely in homes, schools, workplaces, and communities. Area of instruction include indoor navigation, community travel, public transportation, street crossings, sighted guide techniques, vision and sensory training, use of a cane and other mobility tools, route planning, and spatial and environmental concept and development.
Early Head Start - Program
Community Action Partnership for Madison County
1001 New Market Drive
Canastota, NY
Provides voluntary home visiting services to expectant and new parents with children under age three. Weekly home visits help families prepare their child for pre-school and their early school years. Services include: Teaching infants and toddlers through play Resources, information and activities to encourage healthy habits Home visitor support in parenting, child development, school readiness, and family development Monthly playgroups
Kinship Care Program - Program
Community Action Partnership for Madison County
3 East Main Street
Morrisville, NY
Offers case management, advocacy, referrals and appointment assistance to kinship caregivers. Caregivers include grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins or adult siblings caring for related children, as well as close family friends or similar non-relative relationships. Provides mental health support by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
Family Action - Program
Community Action Partnership for Madison County
3 East Main Street
Morrisville, NY
Partners with families to increase the safety and permanency of their children to eliminate out of home placement. Case manager provides weekly home visits for a period of up to eighteen months with focus on: Housing stability Employment support Emotional and physical well-being Works with family members to provide skill building in areas including: Parenting Budgeting Communication Decision making Problem solving