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Property Tax Collection Agencies
Property Tax Assessment Agencies
Found 60 resources (displaying 1 - 10)
Camden Assessor - Program Village of Camden
57 Main Street Camden, NY
Assesses and maintains records of all properties in the Village of Camden.
Western Assessor - Program Town of Western
10408 Hinman Road Holland Patent, NY
Assesses and maintains records of all properties in the Town of Western.
Schuyler Assessor - Program Town of Schuyler
2090 State Route 5 Utica, NY
Assesses and maintains records of all properties in the Town of Schuyler.
Kirkland Assessor - Program Town of Kirkland
3699 State Route 12B Clinton, NY
Assesses and maintains records of all properties in the Town of Kirkland.
Remsen Assessor - Program Town of Remsen
10540 Academy Lane Remsen, NY
Assesses and maintains records of all properties in the Town of Remsen.
Annsville Assessor - Program Town of Annsville
9196 Main Street Taberg, NY
Assesses and maintains records of all properties in the Town of Annsville.
New York Mills Assessor - Program Village of New York Mills
1 Maple Street New York Mills, NY
Assesses and maintains records of all properties in the Village of New York Mills.
Lee Assessor - Program Town of Lee
5808 Stokes Lee Center Road Lee Center, NY
Assesses and maintains records of all properties in the Town of Lee.
Paris Assessor - Program Town of Paris
2580 Sulphur Springs Road Sauquoit, NY
Assesses and maintains records of all properties in the Town of Paris and Village of Clayville.
Augsuta Assessor - Program Town of Augusta
2470 North Road Oriskany Falls, NY
Assesses and maintains records of all properties in the Town of Augusta and Village of Oriskany Falls.
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