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Oneida County

Found 43 resources (displaying 1 - 10)

ADHD & Autism Psychological Services and Advocacy - Agency

122 Business Park Drive
Suite 1
Utica, NY

Provides outpatient mental health treatment for individuals ages 2 years and older, including assessment for developmental disabilities, including ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders and related neuropsychological disorders.

Home and Community Based Services Waiver - Program

725 Daedalion Drive
Rome, NY

Offers community habilitation, respite, and intensive behavior services for individuals with Autism Spectrum disorders or a related developmental disability. 

New York State Commission for the Blind (NYSCB) - Agency

100 South Salina Street
Suite 105
Syracuse, NY

Administers programs and services to enhance employability, maximize independence, and assist in the development of the capacities and strengths of people who are legally blind. Programs include:Equipment Loan Fund, which allows individuals to borrow up to $4,000 to purchase adaptive equipment.Children's services for children who are legally blind, including early intervention rehabilitation, working with and empowering parents, arranging services to supplement educational activities, and …

New York State Commission for the Blind (NYSCB) - Program
New York State Office of Children and Family Services

100 South Salina Street
Suite 105
Syracuse, NY

Administers programs and services to enhance employability, maximize independence, and assist in the development of the capacities and strengths of people who are legally blind. Programs include:Equipment Loan Fund, which allows individuals to borrow up to $4,000 to purchase adaptive equipment.Children's services for children who are legally blind, including early intervention rehabilitation, working with and empowering parents, arranging services to supplement educational activities, and …

Health & Wellness - Program
ARISE Child and Family Service, Inc.

635 James Street
Syracuse, NY

Offers health care advocacy, diabetes and chronic disease prevention, outpatient mental health services and school-based mental health services.  

Syracuse VA Acute Rehabilitation Unit - Program
Syracuse VA Medical Center

800 Irving Avenue
Syracuse, NY

Provides inpatient rehabilitation care for a variety of issues related to mobility, self-care, communication, swallowing, memory, and cognitive issues due to a stroke, spinal cord injury, brain injury, amputation, and/or other orthopedic and neuromuscular conditions.

Cardiac Rehabilitation Program - Program
Saint Joseph's Health

7246 Janus Park Drive
Liverpool, NY

Provides an exercise and education program for patients with heart disease.

Little Falls Hospital - Program
Bassett Healthcare Network

140 Burwell Street
Little Falls, NY

Offers inpatient services that includes: 25-Bed Inpatient Unit & Special Care Unit Swing Bed/Short Term Rehab Program Laboratory, radiology, and specialty services Offers outpatient and services that includes: Medical Imaging Nutrition Counseling Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy              Wellness Programs Respiratory Care Offers Specialty Services that include: Anesthesiology Cardiac care Surgery Offers an Adult Day Health Care – …

Outpatient Rehabilitation - Program
Mohawk Valley Health System

1675 Bennett Street
Utica, NY

Provides outpatient rehabilitation services at two locations. At the Faxton Campus, all services are available, and it is home to an aqua therapy pool and a rehabilitation gym. The second location is at St. Elizabeth Medical Arts, where physical therapy services are available.  Available services offered between both sites include: Aquatic Therapy Audiology Services Balance Center Driver Evaluation & Training Program Hand Therapy Hearing Instrumentation Lymphedema Treatment & management …

AccessCNY - Program

1603 Court Street
Syracuse, NY

Offers person-centered services that empower individuals of all ages and abilities. Services fall into five primary areas: Programs for individuals with developmental disabilities or acquired brain injuries Services for individuals with mental health diagnoses Clinical services Inclusive preschool education Consumer-directed home care

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