211 Mid-York - Agency
Provides comprehensive information and referral for human services for Herkimer, Madison, and Oneida counties.
Kinship Care Program - Program
Community Action Partnership for Madison County
3 East Main Street
Morrisville, NY
Offers case management, advocacy, referrals and appointment assistance to kinship caregivers. Caregivers include grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins or adult siblings caring for related children, as well as close family friends or similar non-relative relationships. Provides mental health support by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
Elderly/Disability Services - Program
Resource Center for Independent Living, Inc.
1607 Genesee Street
Utica, NY
Offers the following services: Adult Day Services - Provides nutritious meals, social programing, supervision, personal care services, community outings, assistance with activities of daily living and door to door transportation (Oneida and parts of Herkimer counties only). In-Home Companion Care - Offers companionship and assistance with everyday activities. Caregiver Services - Provides community education, information, and referral for caregivers of the disabled or elderly. Ombudsman …