Money Management International - Agency
1501 Broadway
12th Floor, Suite 12021
New York, NY
Assists individuals resolve their budgeting, debt, and credit concerns. Provides financial education, credit counseling, and debt relief.
Bankruptcy Advice Helpline - Program
CareConnect USA
2019 Sandy Pond Lane
Waxhaw, NC
Provides a free consultation with a bankruptcy lawyer to discuss options for debt relief under bankruptcy protection. Determines if bankruptcy will provide a fresh start to eliminate debts, stop foreclosure, or find relief from medical debts and credit card debt.
Debt Relief Helpline - Program
CareConnect USA
2019 Sandy Pond Lane
Waxhaw, NC
Offers counseling and education to reduce or eliminate debt. Contacts creditors and arrange for rate reductions and waive fees. Offers debt management program with a single payment to take place of several smaller payments.
Mortgage Relief Helpline - Program
CareConnect USA
2019 Sandy Pond Lane
Waxhaw, NC
Works with lenders to arrange an alternative to foreclosure and provide relief to the homeowner services included are: loan modifications partial claims forbearances reduce payments and catch up the arrears
Resource Recovery Unit - Program
Madison County Department of Social Services
133 North Court Street
Building 1
Wampsville, NY
Responsible for taking and processing mortgages and liens for applicants and recipients of some social services. Responsible for paying for and assisting in the scheduling of burials for residents of Onondaga County who die without funds or family to arrange and pay for a burial. Makes claims against personal injury defendants and estates for the recovery of some benefit payments.
Self-Direction Services (SD) - Program
Resource Center for Independent Living, Inc.
131 Genesee Street
Utica, NY
Promotes independence, as the Fiscal Intermediary, for individuals with developmental disabilities by allowing individuals to create and manage their own budgets, hire their own support staff, and engage in activities that will enhance their ability to live and work in the community. Provides individuals with developmental disabilities choices to control their care including: Employer authority that enables individuals to hire, manage, and dismiss workers; Budget authority that provides the …
Self Direction & Broker Services - Program
The Arc of Madison Cortland
701 Lenox Avenue
Oneida, NY
Support individuals or families in managing an approved personal resource allocations budget or hiring and managing support staff directly. Serves as a financial intermediary, provides necessary staff training, collects Medicaid documentation to support billing and serve as the co-employer of staff hired by the individual and/or family.