Interested in being listed in 211 Mid-York?
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
211 listed organizations meet an Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria (PDF).
Listing an organization with 211 Mid-York can be quite simple or a more extensive process. The variable is how much detail you decide to provide. Our purpose is to inform the public who are seeking information about your services. The details you provide to 211 Mid-York regarding any eligibility criteria drive the referral inquiries that you receive. Our goal is to provide 211 customers with the appropriate referrals within the community.
A Microsoft Word document is used to collect information about: an organization’s key contact information, program and location details. That word document is then e-mailed or faxed to the 211 Mid-York Resource Department. Once it is received, Resource Specialists review the survey document and enter it into an information and referral software program. Resource Specialists may call the contact person listed on the survey document to clarify or verifiy information during this process.
Create a New Listing
To create a new listing, access the 211 Mid-York survey form here (doc).
TIP: Please rename the file with the name of your organization and save it to your computer.
Email your listing file to or fax to 315-463-8849.
Update your Listing or Report a Problem
Call 315-733-4691 x 225 or email
Listing with 211 Mid-York is free. We do ask that you keep us up-to-date with changes that impact your database listing.
Annual Verification Required for Listing
We also require that you complete an annual verification. Programs not verified annually are removed from 211 Mid-York to ensure that we continue to meet our high standards of accuracy and quality.
Promote 211 Toolkit
Find videos, printable flyers, social media, FAQs, business card request forms and more in our 211 Promo Toolkit.