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Logo for Discrimination Assistance

Discrimination Assistance

Found 7 resources (displaying 7)

CNY Fair Housing - Agency

731 James Street
Suite 200
Syracuse, NY

Investigates complaints of illegal housing discrimination. Agency staff conducts complaint intake, advocates for clients, facilitates reasonable accommodations and modifications, provides education and information on housing discrimination, and refers substantiated cases of discrimination to legal counsel. 

HIPAA Program - Program
United States Department of Health and Human Services/HIPAA

26 Federal Plaza
Office for Civil Rights, Suite 3312
New York, NY

Investigates complaints about HIPAA and Civil Rights violations. Website contains comprehensive information and links to additional resources

New York State Division of Human Rights - Agency

333 East Washington Street
Room 543
Syracuse, NY

Receives and investigates complaints of discrimination based on age, race, creed, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, breastfeeding, pumping milk, and sexual harrassment), disability, marital status, military status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic testing, arrest record (in employment and credit only), conviction record (in employment and credit only), familial status, domestic violence victim (in employment only), and source of income (in housing only). Unless …

HIV Law Project - Program
Legal Services of Central New York (LSCNY)

221 South Warren Street
Suite 300
Syracuse, NY

Offers free legal services for individuals living with or affected by HIV/AIDS in cases regarding access to health care services, HIV/AIDS-based discrimination, housing matters, assistance with denials or termination of benefits, health care proxies, powers of attorney, simple wills, family court matters, and divorce.

Civil Legal Services - Program
Legal Services of Central New York (LSCNY)

221 South Warren Street
Suite 300

Provides civil legal services regarding housing issues, consumer problems, income security/benefits, and language access.

Housing Department - Program
Mohawk Valley Latino Association

28 Scott Street
First Floor
Utica, NY

Provides referrals and general information regarding housing. Offers counseling regarding home ownership, negotiations between tenants/landlords and housing grievance complaints, eviction prevention, housing publications, assistance in obtaining rental subsidies, and housing court assistance. Rent assistance is available on a limited basis to individuals undergoing financial hardship. 

United States Government Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Region 2 - Agency

Buffalo Field Office
300 Pearl Street, Suite 301
Buffalo, NY

Provides funding and oversight to locally administered federal rental assistance programs, including the Housing Choice Voucher Program and the Public Housing Program. Subsidizes rent at privately owned multifamily buildings. Provides funding for locally administered homeless services, emergency shelters, and supportive housing. Insures mortgages for both single and multifamily homes and funds local housing counseling agencies. HUD does not process applications for subsidized housing. *As of …