Found 5 resources (displaying 5)
Money Management International - Agency
1501 Broadway
12th Floor, Suite 12021
New York, NY
Assists individuals resolve their budgeting, debt, and credit concerns. Provides financial education, credit counseling, and debt relief.
Debt Relief Helpline - Program
CareConnect USA
2019 Sandy Pond Lane
Waxhaw, NC
Offers counseling and education to reduce or eliminate debt. Contacts creditors and arrange for rate reductions and waive fees. Offers debt management program with a single payment to take place of several smaller payments.
Mortgage Relief Helpline - Program
CareConnect USA
2019 Sandy Pond Lane
Waxhaw, NC
Works with lenders to arrange an alternative to foreclosure and provide relief to the homeowner services included are: loan modifications partial claims forbearances reduce payments and catch up the arrears
The National Hope - Program
Homeownership Preservation Foundation
Provides comprehensive free telephone counseling to help avoid foreclosure or anyone struggling with their mortgage. Trained counselors in foreclosure prevention and will set up a plan of action.
Civil Legal Services - Program
Legal Services of Central New York (LSCNY)
221 South Warren Street
Suite 300
Provides civil legal services regarding housing issues, consumer problems, income security/benefits, and language access.