Boys Town National Hotline - Agency
140100 Crawford Street
Boys Town, NE
Provides a 24-hour, nationwide, short-term crisis intervention hotline to children and families experiencing any type of difficulty. Provides referrals to local agencies in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, The Virgin Islands, and Guam. Offers chat and texting services for teens.
Contact Hotline - Program
Contact Community Services
Provides free and confidential telephone counseling and crisis intervention to individuals of all ages. The hotline is staffed by trained volunteers and staff who assist callers with any personal problem, ranging from loneliness to suicide.
211/LIFE LINE - Program
422 South Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY
Offers crisis intervention and suicide hotline services. Offers comprehensive information and referral to community human services. Provides online chat services.
Teen Line - Agency
PO Box 48750
Los Angeles, CA
Provides a teen-to-teen helpline with trained volunteers available to speak about issues from relationships, anxiety, depression to suicide.
Mobile Crisis Assessment Team - Program
The Neighborhood Center, Inc.
616 Mary Street
Utica, NY
*Provides crisis intervention, client/situation stabilization services face-to-face to divert non-lethal individuals from the county's psychiatric emergency departments as well as to find, support and link individuals to mental health services. Some services include: Crisis hotline. Mental health assessments. Crisis de-escalation and de-briefing. Linkage and follow-up to services. Alerts to identify and assist those at an increased risk. Coordination with schools, medical/ mental health …