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Logo for Job Assistance & Placement

Job Assistance & Placement

Found 17 resources (displaying 1 - 10)

Health Centers - Program
Oneida Health

115 Center Street
Canastota, NY

Provides treatment of a variety of medical conditions in both adults and children including routine physical exams, follow up care, sick and well child care, EKG's, hearing testing and laboratory testing services.  Pre-employment physicals and follow up care to work related injuries.

College Program Specialist at Career Center - Program
Herkimer County Community College

100 Reservoir Road
Herkimer, NY

Assists registered job seekers learn about programs and opportunities to improve their job skills at Herkimer College, to help interested individuals navigate college application, registration, advisement, financial aid, and academic support processes and services.

Employee/Career Center - Program
Madison County Working Solutions

133 N Court Street
Wampsville, NY

Assists those who are unemployed or underemployed in partnership with the following agencies Madison County Workforce Development, NYS Department of Labor, ACCES-VR, Madison-Oneida BOCES with: Job search assistance. Resume preparation. Interview skills. Career guidance. Employment plan development. Labor market information.

Employment/Career Assistance - Program
Herkimer County Working Solutions Career Center

320 N Prospect Street
Herkimer, NY

Assists those who are unemployed or underemployed with: Job search assistance. Resume preparation. Interview skills. Career guidance. Employment plan development. Labor market information.

Temporary Services - Program
Community Action Partnership for Madison County

1001 New Market Drive
Canastota, NY

Provides assistance to families in need. Services include: Referral to community and government services Rent assistance Transportation related expense assistance Utility/Heat assistance

Rome Working Solutions American Job Center - Agency

300 West Dominick Street
Suite 1
Rome, NY

Provides employment-related services that include universal access to job search and labor market information. Resource room includes access to personal computers, fax machine, and internet access for job search. Partners from various agencies provide basic information on a variety of services. NYS Department of Labor staff are available to assist with job search. Intensive services may include skill assessment, career counseling, and tuition assistance.

Utica Career Center - Agency

207 Genesee Street
Utica, NY

Provides employment-related services that include universal access to job search and labor market information. Resource room includes access to personal computers, fax machine, and internet access for job search. Partners from various agencies provide basic information on a variety of services. NYS Department of Labor staff are available to assist with job search. Intensive services may include skill assessment, career counseling, and tuition assistance.Assists employers in recruiting, hiring, …

Employment Services - Program
Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees

201 Bleecker Street
Utica, NY

Provides comprehensive employment services including job counseling, interview skills, resume development, job placement and job retention.

Women's Employment & Resource Center, Inc. - Program
Empowered Pathways

502 Court Street
Suite 234
Utica, NY

Helps women in transition navigate the road to personal and economic self-reliance by providing counseling, resume preparation, customer service training, computer training, job placement, job search assistance, interview assistance and other support services they may need to obtain employment.

NY Connects - Program
Resource Center for Independent Living, Inc.

131 Genesee Street
Utica, NY

Provides information and assistanc on available long-term services and support to individuals. NY Connects Coordinations can provide assistance with: Housing. Caregiver supports. Home repairs and accesibility modifications. Behavioral health/developmental supports and services. Transportation. Supported employment. Applications to benefits including Medicaid, food options, emergency aler devices, child care and nutrition programs.

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