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Fun Activities

Found 39 resources (displaying 1 - 10)

Junior Good Days Camp - Program
Camp Good Days And Special Times

356 North Midler Avenue
Suite 300
Syracuse, NY

Provides a day camp program for children ages 4 to 7 years who have or have had cancer or sickle cell anemia, have a parent or sibling with the diagnoses or have lost a parent or sibling to cancer.

Camp Healing Hearts - Program
Hospice of Central New York and Hospice of the Finger Lakes

990 Seventh North Street

Provides a day camp program for children who have experienced the death of a friend or family member.  

YMCA of the Greater Tri-Valley - Agency

301 West Bloomfield Street
Rome, NY

Provides a wide array of youth and adult fitness and wellness programs, child care and after school care, and other services to the community.

Camp Courage - Program
Camp Good Days And Special Times

643 West Lake Road
Branchport, NY

Provides a weekend retreat for families who have a family member with a malignant brain tumor.

Camp Get-A-Way of Western Region NYS - Agency

4437 Kear Road
Canandaigua, NY

Offers a camp for families with a child and/or children struggling with emotional, behavioral, or mental illness. 

Recreation & Art - Program
ARISE Child and Family Service, Inc.

635 James Street

Includes programs and services: ARISE at the Farm, ARISE & Ski, social and support groups, and the UNIQUE art magazine and exhibit.Specific offerings include therapeutic horseback riding, inclusive playground, summer and school-break day camp, after-school respite, adaptive snow skiing, teen and youth support groups including siblings of children with disabilities, and a visual and written art exhibit.

Camp Lookout - Program
Madison County Children's Camp

2112 Wheler Drive
Eaton, NY

*Provides an overnight summer camp for children with activities including: Nature studies Arts and crafts Swimming Canoeing Individual and team sports

Camp Nazareth - Program
Catholic Charities of Oneida/Madison County

1408 Genesee Street
Utica, NY

Offers a residential summer camp in the Adirondack Park providing camping activities such as arts and crafts, sports, swimming and boating, archery, and wilderness experience.

Summer Recreation/Teen Recreation - Program
Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency

9882 River Road
Utica, NY

Provides organized recreational activities while youth are out of school. Pariticipation includes weekly themes, weekly field trips and opportunities for recreational camps outside of MVCAA. 

Grief Weekend - Program
Madison County Children's Camp

2112 Wheler Drive
Eaton, NY

Provides programming to help children develop skills and strategies to deal with grief and loss of significant individuals in their lives.

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