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Pet Health

Found 6 resources (displaying 6)

Rabies Investigations and Clinics - Program
Madison County Public Health

138 N Court Street
Wampsville, NY

Provides rabies prevention including pet vaccination clinics. Assists with the treatment of rabies by administering follow up injections of the vaccination in the weeks following exposure.  Initial treatment must take place in a hospital emergency room.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Agency

1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA

Provides tools that people and communities need to protect their health by promoting health, preventing disease, injury and disability, and preparing for new health threats.

Herkimer County Public Health Nursing Service - Program
Herkimer County Public Health Nursing Service

301 N Washington Street
Herkimer, NY

Provides public health services that include:  Rabies Prevention (receive notification of all dog bites in the county and work with the person that was bitten to make sure they get screened for rabies risk and the need for post-exposure prophylaxis). Lead Poisoning Prevention (works with families of children at risk for, or with an elevated blood lead level to reduce that child's level).  Testing is not provided by public health but a referral is made to the NYS office. Immunization Program ( …

Wanderers' Rest Humane Association - Agency

7138 Sutherland Drive
Canastota, NY

Provides shelter services for cats and dogs awaiting adoption. Promotes responsible pet ownership through education discussing proper care for animals, and need for animal control through spayin and neuturing. Operates an open admission shelter where no Madison County dog or cat will be turned away, but does not accept aggressive or injured animals.

Anita's Stevens-Swan Humane Society - Agency

5664 Horatio Street
Utica, NY

Provides forever homes for lost, abandoned, and abused animals of Oneida County. Offers education on animal welfare, and animal care issues as well as low-cost rabies clinic, and cremation services. 

Envrionmental Health - Rabies - Program
Oneida County Health Department

185 Genesee Street
4th Floor
Utica, NY

Offers rabies vaccination clinics. Provides rabies education. Offers rabies vaccination clinics each year. Publishes a calendar on the website ocgov.net/health each year.


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