Found 7 resources (displaying 7)
990 Seventh North Street
Liverpool, NY
Provides support group for individuals experiencing a loss. Specfic groups available for adults, children, and individuals who have lost their spouse or significant other.
Compassionate Friends - Agency
48660 Pontiac Trail
Wixom, MI
Coordinates self-help emotional support for families experiencing the death of a child, sibling, or a grandchild. Provides support to parents (anyone in a guardianship role), grandparents, and adult siblings.
Share Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support - Agency
1600 Heritage Landing
Suite 109
Saint Peters, MO
Provides support for those who have experienced the loss of an infant through miscarriage, stillbirth, or newborn death through a network of support groups. Offers training and resources for caregivers and other in supportive roles.
Grief Survivors - Program
The Good News Center
10475 Cosby Manor Road
Utica, NY
Provides a support group for individuals coping with the loss of a loved one.
Community Based Grief Support - Program
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS)
3033 Wilson Boulevard
Third Floor
Arlington, VA
Provides connection to clinical grief counseling, trauma resources, and local area support groups.
Hospice & Palliative Care Support Groups - Program
Hospice & Palliative Care, Inc
4277 Middle Settlement Road
New Hartford, NY
Provides bereavement workshops and support groups.
49 Locust Avenue
Suite 104
New Canaan, CT
Offers telephone bereavement counseling and online for support groups for anyone that has suffered the loss of a baby frin sudden unexpected infant death(SUID).