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Transitional Shelter

Found 9 resources (displaying 9)

Transitional Housing - Program
Rome Rescue Mission

413 East Dominick Street
Rome, NY

Provides short and long term housing for mission clients.

Johnson Park Apartments OASAS Certified Supportive Housing - Program
Johnson Park Center

26 Johnson Park
Utica, NY

Provides transitional housing for women with a dual diagnosis, and their children. Services include case management, preventative services, life skills and parenting skills training, behavioral and mental health services, transportation assistance, child care services and referrals, medical services, education opportunities as well as community service and work experience opportunities. 

Family Program - Program
VFW National Home for Children

3573 South Waverly Road
Eaton Rapids, MI

Provides housing at the National Home for Military families for up to four years. Families who are accepted into the program can live at the National Home in a single family home for up to four years while working with a professional case worker to set goals and make plans for the future. Services include: Educational opportunities Case management Access to educational, recreational and enrichment opportunities Community resources and counseling referrals are provided as needed Free state-certi …

Johnson Park Apartments for Chronically Homeless Single Women - Program
Johnson Park Center

26 Johnson Park
Utica, NY

Provides supportive housing for women with a diagnosed mental illness, substance abuse, or dual diagnosis. Services include case management, preventative services, life skills training, medical and mental health services, vocational and job training, education and employment opportunities.  

Johnson Park Apartments for Homeless Women and Children Program - Program
Johnson Park Center

26 Johnson Park
Utica, NY

Provides supportive housing for women with a diagnosed mental illness, substance abuse, or dual diagnosis, and their children. Services include case management, preventative services, life skills training, medical and mental health services, vocational and job training, education and employment opportunities. 

Evelyn's House - Program

10 Barton Avenue
Utica, NY

Provides joint transitional and rapid rehousing program. Program includes supportive services and community resources for these women and their children during and after pregnancy. Services and classes include: intensive case management evidence-based parenting classes employment nutrition health and wellness plans mental health treatment obtainment of permanent housing

DePalmer House - Program
Liberty Resources, Inc.

6723 Towpath Road
East Syracuse, NY

Provides transitional housing for homeless adults that are diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.

Mental Health Community Residences - Program
Upstate Cerebral Palsy

138 West German Street
Herkimer, NY

Offers transitional housing for individuals with mental illness.

Housing Assistance - Program
Community Action Partnership for Madison County

1001 New Market Drive
Canastota, NY

Assists families who are homeless or at high risk of becoming homeless. Services include: Temporary rental assistance Utility assistance Temporary housing for homeless families Permanent housing for homeless families Budgeting and financial counseling Case management (home visits)


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