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BRIDGES Information and Referral Services


Provides face to face or telephone assessment and referrals for alcohol, tobacco, drugs and problem gambling.

Eligibility: 13 years of age or older struggling with addiction

Application Process: By appointment, walk-ins or call for more information

Required Documentation: None

Fees: None

Madison County


Provides advocacy, resources, and services to our community, the workforce, families, and individuals through the delivery of prevention and intervention programs that promote change, strengthen families, and build healthy communities. 

1507 Upper Lenox Avenue
Oneida NY 13421

Website: bridgescouncil.org

Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM

Disabled: Fully Accessible



Email: info@bridgescouncil.org

Website: bridgescouncil.org

1507 Upper Lenox Avenue
Oneida NY 13421

Mailing Address:

PO Box 389
Oneida NY 13421


Monday, Wednesday - Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday, 8 AM - 7 PM


Shayne Anderson-Piazza
EAP Coordinator

Disabilities Access

Fully Accessible