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New York State Missing Persons Clearinghouse


* Provides support to family members of children, college students, and vulnerable adults who are missing, and offers community education programs. 
* Administers three alerts that quickly disseminate information about a child, college student, or vulnerable adult who is missing and at risk of harm. 
* Publicizes cases at the request of family members and law enforcement online, through social media and the distribution of printed and electronic posters. 
* Provides short- and long-term investigative assistance to law enforcement. 
* Trains police officers and develops and distributes procedures and best practice guides for law enforcement agencies.

Eligibility: Children, college students, and vulnerable adults missing from New York State or believed to be in New York State.

Application Process: Call for information or visit the website.

Required Documentation: None.

Fees: No fee for service.

New York State.

New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services

New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services is a multi-function criminal justice support agency. 

80 Soth Swan Street
Alfred E. Smith State Office Building
Albany NY 12210


Hours: M-F 9:00AM-5:00PM


Toll Free:


80 S Swan Street
Alfred E. Smith State Office Building
Albany NY 12210


24 hours

This program is offered at this site:

New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services

Main Address:

80 S Swan Street

Alfred E. Smith State Office Building

Albany NY 12210


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