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Public Awareness/Education

Found 43 resources (displaying 1 - 10)

Advocacy - Program
Resource Center for Independent Living, Inc.

131 Genesee Street
Utica, NY

Provides active support and guidance to people with disabilities, and help ensure that an individual’s choices for living independently are respected. Advocates can answer questions and provide assistance with applications for Social Security Disability and SSI, Temporary Assistance, HEAP, Medicaid, Food Stamps, and housing. Advocates can also assist recipients of DSS with understanding sanctions and the steps for Fair Hearings. Peer Mentoring Information and Referral Independent Living …

American Association of Suicidology - Program
American Association of Suicidology

Promotes research, public awareness programs, public education and training for professionals and volunteers.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Program
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention-Greater Central NY Chapter

199 Water Street
11th Floor
New York, NY

Provides information on support groups or online support groups for those who have lost a loved one to suicide.  www.afsp.org/coping-with-suicide/find-support/find-a-support-group Increases awareness about prevention, warning signs and the psychiatric illnesses most often responsible for suicide. This vital information has been disseminated to community groups, educators, parents, students and concerned individuals. Reduces suicide rates through initiating and participating in projects to …

American Lung Association - Program
American Lung Association

21 W 38th Street
3rd Floor
New York, NY

Offers public and professional health education on the prevention and control of lung diseases in adults and children. Offers Tobacco Cessation Education. Offers professional guidance regarding establishment of smoking restriction policies. Provides educational materials on lung diseases, smoking and air pollution. Work with and through other agencies to set up services needed to find, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate patients.

CancerCare - Agency

275 Seventh Avenue
22nd Floor
New York, NY

Provides professional support services including case management, counseling, support groups, educational workshops, and financial assistance to anyone affected by cancer. Services provided by oncology social workers and world-leading cancer experts.

Central New York Perinatal and Infant Bereavement Network - Agency

Provides parent perinatal and infant bereavement care through information sharing, education, parent support, community programs, and referral services for bereaved families and care providers. 

Child Find of America - Agency

PO Box 277
New Paltz, NY

Provides services designed to prevent and resolve child abduction and the family conflicts that can lead to abduction and abuse. Assists with location of missing children through activate investigation, registers and assists to locate missing children, distributes photos of missing children, and provides safety information. Prevents child abductions through education. Offers the Parent Helpline to provide services for mothers and fathers parenting apart and family conflict.

Community and Consumer Services - Program
American Diabetes Association

160 Allens Creek Road
Rochester, NY

Provides advocacy, research, and education about diabetes to professionals and the general public.  Offers fundraising events.  

Corrections Health Initiative - Program
ACR Health

627 West Genesee Street
Syracuse, NY

Provides health services to individuals who are currently incarcerated. Services include outreach, education, and testing to prevent the spread of HIV, Hepatitis C, and STIs, and assists individuals living with HIV and Hepatitis to develop a care plan once they're discharged back to the community.

Domestic Violence Program of Herkimer County - Program
Catholic Charities of Herkimer County

61 West Street
Ilion, NY

Offers crisis and supportive services to victims of domestic violence and their children or other non-offending family members. Provides comprehensive emergency sheltering services for adults in crisis and their children as well as a 24-hour hotline for support and crisis services. Offers accompaniment and advocacy services through legal, medical, housing, and social services.Offers individual and family counseling regarding relationship and family violence as well as support groups. Works with …

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