Found 4 resources (displaying 4)
Lead-Free Mohawk Valley / Lead Safe Utica - Program
HomeOwnership Center
1611 Genesee Street
Utica, NY
*Addresses lead hazards in privately owned housing.*Aims to prevent childhood lead poisoning by creating lead-safe housing*Helps homeowners, landlords, and tenants control hazards from lead in paint, soil and dust.*Works in coordination with HEPA Vacuum Loaner Program and Lead Poisoning Prevention Education
Community Health Worker Services - Program
The Neighborhood Center, Inc.
628 Mary Street
Neighborhood Center
Utica, NY
Works with high-need women and families to access preventive and primary health care services, with an emphasis on pregnant women who are not enrolled in health care or supportive services.
Health & Wellness - Program
ARISE Child and Family Service, Inc.
635 James Street
Syracuse, NY
Offers health care advocacy, diabetes and chronic disease prevention, outpatient mental health services and school-based mental health services.
HIV Law Project - Program
Legal Services of Central New York (LSCNY)
221 South Warren Street
Suite 300
Syracuse, NY
Offers free legal services for individuals living with or affected by HIV/AIDS in cases regarding access to health care services, HIV/AIDS-based discrimination, housing matters, assistance with denials or termination of benefits, health care proxies, powers of attorney, simple wills, family court matters, and divorce.