Found 3 resources (displaying 3)
Impaired Driver Program (IDP) - Program
Center for Family Life and Recovery
502 Court Street
Suite 401
Utica, NY
Provides a program for New York State motorists convicted of a first DWI or DWAI who would like a conditional license during their 90-day suspension and who agree to attend 16 hours of classroom instruction over a 7 week period.
STOP DWI Program - Program
Oneida County STOP DWI
120 Base Road
Oriskany, NY
Operates a program aiming to prevent impaired driving in a model that includes: arresting those who drive while under the influence of alcohol; swift adjudication of individual cases; certain and severe punishment for those convicted; and publicity for the arrest and prosecution efforts. Includes the following activities: DWI Victim Impact Panels - Victims/survivors speak to DWI offenders every six to eight weeks. Law Enforcement - Selective enforcement units patrol at peak hours in high-risk …
Victim Impact Panel - Program
Madison County Sheriff
112 Farrier Avenue
BRiDGES, Suite 314 (Chase Building)
Oneida, NY
Offers a DWI Victim Impact Panels in which victims/survivors speak to DWI offenders every six to eight weeks.