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Highway Complaints

Found 81 resources (displaying 1 - 10)

Annsville Highway Department - Program
Town of Annsville

9042 Meadows Road
Taberg, NY

Maintains all town roads including paving & repair, snow removal, street sweeping, and signage in the Town of Annsville.

Augusta Highway Department - Program
Town of Augusta

2319 North Road
Oriskany Falls, NY

Maintains all town roads including paving & repair, snow removal, street sweeping, and signage in the Town of Augusta.

Ava Highway Department - Program
Town of Ava

11541 State Route 26
Ava, NY

Maintains all town roads including paving & repair, snow removal, street sweeping, and signage in the Town of Ava.

Boonville Department of Public Works - Program
Village of Boonville

13159 State Route 12
Boonville, NY

Maintains all town roads including paving & repair, snow removal, street sweeping, and signage in the Village of Boonville.Responsible for developing, maintaining, and operating the system of aqueducts, reservoirs, channels, pipelines, mains, laterals, curb boxes, and pumping and purifying equipment by which the community's water supply is obtained, treated, stored, and distributed to consumers in the Village of Boonville. Responsible for the operation, inspection, maintenance, and repair of …

Boonville Highway Department - Program
Town of Boonville

13149 State Route 12
Boonville, NY

Maintains all town roads including paving & repair, snow removal, street sweeping, and signage in the Town of Boonville. Picks up residential brush & leaves and provides waste management information for Town of Boonville residents. 

Brookfield Highway Department - Program
Town of Brookfield

2186 Beaver Creek Road
Brookfield, NY

Maintains all town roads including paving & repair, snow removal, street sweeping, and signage in the Town of Brookfield.

Camden Department of Public Works - Program
Village of Camden

57 Main Street
Camden, NY

Maintains all town roads including paving & repair, snow removal, street sweeping, and signage in the Village of Camden.  Picks up residential brush & leaves and provides waste management information for Village of Camden residents.  Responsible for developing, maintaining, and operating the system of aqueducts, reservoirs, channels, pipelines, mains, laterals, curb boxes, and pumping and purifying equipment by which the community's water supply is obtained, treated, stored, and …

Canastota Department of Public Works - Program
Village of Canastota

424 East North Canal Street
Canastota, NY

Maintains all town roads including paving & repair, snow removal, street sweeping, and signage in the Village of Canastota.Picks up residential brush & leaves and provides waste management information for Village of Canastota residents. 

Cazenovia Department of Public Works - Program
Village of Cazenovia

William Street
Cazenovia, NY

Maintains all town roads including paving & repair, snow removal, street sweeping, and signage in the Village of Cazenovia.  Picks up residential brush & leaves and provides waste management information for Village of Cazenovia residents. 

Cazenovia Highway Department - Program
Town of Cazenovia

3425 Constine Bridge Road
Cazenovia, NY

Maintains all town roads including paving & repair, snow removal, street sweeping, and signage in the Town of Cazenovia.

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