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Found 17 resources (displaying 1 - 10)

American Lung Association - Program
American Lung Association

21 W 38th Street
3rd Floor
New York, NY

Offers public and professional health education on the prevention and control of lung diseases in adults and children. Offers Tobacco Cessation Education. Offers professional guidance regarding establishment of smoking restriction policies. Provides educational materials on lung diseases, smoking and air pollution. Work with and through other agencies to set up services needed to find, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate patients.

Camp B&ST - Program
Camp Good Days And Special Times

643 West Lake Road
Branchport, NY

Provides a residential camping program for children who have lost a sibling or parent to cancer or sickle cell anemia within the past five years.

CancerCare - Agency

275 Seventh Avenue
22nd Floor
New York, NY

Provides professional support services including case management, counseling, support groups, educational workshops, and financial assistance to anyone affected by cancer. Services provided by oncology social workers and world-leading cancer experts.

Doing a World of Good - Program
Camp Good Days And Special Times

643 West Lake Road
Branchport, NY

Provides a week-long residential camping program for children with cancer or sickle cell anemia from the United States and around the world.

Junior Good Days Camp - Program
Camp Good Days And Special Times

356 North Midler Avenue
Suite 300
Syracuse, NY

Provides a day camp program for children ages 4 to 7 years who have or have had cancer or sickle cell anemia, have a parent or sibling with the diagnoses or have lost a parent or sibling to cancer.

Music Outreach , Resources and Support for Pediatric Cancer Patients - Program
KEYS Program

308 Sherrill Road
Suite 100
Sherrill, NY

Provides music therapy, community music classes and music lessons for the community. Music classes for kids battling cancer, their siblings and breast cancer patients are free.  

National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service - Program
National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service

BG 9609 MSC 9760
9609 Medical Center Drive
Bethesda, MD

Provides cancer information. Information specialists provide responses to a range of cancer questions, including: cancer research and clinical trials cancer prevention risk factors symptoms early detection diagnosis treatment living with cancer quitting smoking

New York State Department of Health Cancer Services Program - Program
New York State Department of Health Cancer Services Program

Oversees the delivery of comprehensive breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening services and prostate cancer education to underserved populations in New York. Also promotes the use of genetic screening, diagnostics and counseling in cases of hereditary breast and ovarian cancers. Provides public and health care provider education regarding cancer prevention and early detection. Maintains a quality improvement program to ensure the quality of clinical services provided through the …

One-on-one Cancer Caregiver Support - Program
Cancer Hope Network

2 North Road, Suite A
Chester, NJ

Connects caregivers (and other loved ones) of cancer patients with fellow caregivers who have been through a similar experience. Matches are individualized. While most matches begin with a similar diagnosis or treatment, they also include other lifestyle circumstances and considerations that are important to the patient.

One-on-one Cancer Patient Support - Program
Cancer Hope Network

2 North Road, Suite A
Chester, NJ

Connects cancer patients with someone who can relate to their experience and provide guidance.  Matches are individualized. While most matches begin with a similar diagnosis or treatment, they also include other lifestyle circumstances and considerations that are important to the patient.

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