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Families of Military Personnel/Veterans

Found 18 resources (displaying 1 - 10)

Casework Assistance for Survivors of Military Deaths - Program
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS)

3033 Wilson Boulevard
Third Floor
Arlington, VA

Offers assistance to obtain emergency financial resources, information on state and federal survivor benefits, connections to private support for survivors, and information on educational resources.

Community Based Grief Support - Program
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS)

3033 Wilson Boulevard
Third Floor
Arlington, VA

Provides connection to clinical grief counseling, trauma resources, and local area support groups.

Crisis Intervention and Hotline Services - Program
Military OneSource

6270 Midway Street
Sacramento, CA

Provides resources for military members, spouses and families on nearly every aspect of military life: Deployment. Reunion. Relationship. Grief. Spouse employment and education. Parenting and childhood. Offers confidential counseling sessions over the phone, online chat, or face to face.

Critical Financial Assistance - Program
Operation Homefront

21 Franklin Street
Suite 2
Quincy, MA

Assists military families coping with deployment and injury recovery as they struggle with devastating budget issues. Critical financial assistance is provided for the following services: Auto payment Auto Repair Child & dependent care Dental Food assistance Essential home items Medical Moving & relocation Rent & Mortgage Travel & Transportation Utilities Vision Care Home Repairs

Family Program - Program
VFW National Home for Children

3573 South Waverly Road
Eaton Rapids, MI

Provides housing at the National Home for Military families for up to four years. Families who are accepted into the program can live at the National Home in a single family home for up to four years while working with a professional case worker to set goals and make plans for the future. Services include: Educational opportunities Case management Access to educational, recreational and enrichment opportunities Community resources and counseling referrals are provided as needed Free state-certi …

Give an Hour - Agency

Provides a network of volunteer mental health professionals who provide counseling to military personnel, Veterans and their families, rare disease caregivers, victims of natural and man-made disasters. Services are provided via phone, video, and in-person, one hour per week for a year. 

Good Grief Camps - Program
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS)

3033 Wilson Boulevard
Third Floor
Arlington, VA

Provides a supportive atmosphere for children and youth as they discover new coping strategies, and strengthen support systems. Pairs young survivors with active duty military mentors.

Habitat for Heroes - Program
Rebuilding Central New York

494 French Road
Utica, NY

Provides affordable homeownership opportunities and home repairs in Oneida County to active military and veteran families.

Helpline - Program
VFW National Home for Children

3573 South Waverly Road
Eaton Rapids, MI

Provides a free helpline assist callers with program and eligibility questions and can also assist callers in finding local resources. Assists with program and eligibility questions and can also assist callers in finding local resources, for individuals in the military and their families, including current active-duty, Reserves, and veterans. The Helpline also serves as the first intake step to the National Home, a housing program for military families.

Herkimer County Veteran's Service Agency - Program
Herkimer County Government

109 Mary Street
Suite 1103
Herkimer, NY

Provides information and assistance to veterans, family members, and active military personnel in obtaining records, benefits, and entitlements from the Department of Veteran's Affairs.

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