First Baptist Church Thanksgiving Meal - Agency
555 Albany Street
Little Falls, NY
Offers a Thanksgiving meal to individuals in need.Thanksgiving 2024: Registration until 11/23. Delivery meal only available in Little Falls, time will be assigned for 11/28.
Adult Protective Services (APS) - Program
Herkimer County Department of Social Services
301 North Washington Street
Suite 2110
Herkimer, NY
A state-mandated service provided by every county with the goal of keeping vulnerable adults safely residing in the community or in the least restrictive alternative. It involves intake, investigation, and assessment of referrals of abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation of qualifying vulnerable adults. APS workers develop services plans with eligible clients to remedy physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, or to address unmet, essential needs of …
Person in Need of Supervision (PINS) Diversion Program - Program
Herkimer County Department of Social Services
301 North Washington Street
Suite 2110
Herkimer, NY
Provides voluntary and court ordered services to assist families in providing a safe and appropriate living situation. Assists families in providing the basic needs of their children and compliance with court ordered services. Provides a prevention program to avoid out-of-home placement and family disruption in cases of serious youth misbehavior. Offers case management services to the entire family of the at-risk youth.