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Herkimer County

Found 11 resources (displaying 1 - 10)

Runaway and Homeless Youth Program - Program
Catholic Charities of Herkimer County

61 West Street
Ilion, NY

Works with runaway, homeless, and at-risk youth. Provides a 24-hours crisis hotline and emergency housing assistance. Offers crisis intervention and on-going counseling for youth and their family. Provides transportation and advocacy services, and works on independent living skills.

Sexual Violence Services and Child Advocacy Center of Herkimer County - Program
YWCA of the Mohawk Valley

7 Rutger Park
Utica, NY

Provides crisis intervention services to victims of sexual violence.  Services include 24-hour hotline, advocacy, and accompaniment through medical, law enforcement and court proceedings, counseling, and support groups.

Caregiver Services - Program
Herkimer County Office for the Aging

109 Mary Street
Suite 1101
Herkimer, NY

Assist caregivers with caring for loved ones. Services include: In home respite. Respite in a residential facility. Caregiver support and counseling.

Domestic Violence Program of Herkimer County - Program
Catholic Charities of Herkimer County

61 West Street
Ilion, NY

Offers crisis and supportive services to victims of domestic violence and their children or other non-offending family members. Provides comprehensive emergency sheltering services for adults in crisis and their children as well as a 24-hour hotline for support and crisis services. Offers accompaniment and advocacy services through legal, medical, housing, and social services.Offers individual and family counseling regarding relationship and family violence as well as support groups. Works with …

Youth Services - Program
Resource Center for Independent Living, Inc.

131 Genesee Street
Utica, NY

*Offers the following services: Main Street - Provides crisis intervention, advocacy and mentoring to address homelessness, problems at school, poverty, and to prevent involvement with the criminal justice system. Intensive Case Management - Offers case management for mental health and assists families in creating individualized plans for the care of their children.

Clinical Services - Program
The Arc of Madison Cortland

701 Lenox Avenue
Oneida, NY

Provides individualized rehabilitative support services in the following clinical disciplines: Psychiatry Behavior Counseling Social Work Counseling Psychological Assessments  Podiatry Speech Therapy Nutrition Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Counseling

Clinical Services - Program
Center for Family Life and Recovery

502 Court Street
Suite 401
Utica, NY

Provides counseling services to children, youth, adults, couples and families focusing on family relationship, parenting, and substance abuse. Offers an Employee Assistance Program as well as Teen Aggression Reduction to address bullying and issues surrounding youth violence. 

Samaritan Counseling Center of the Mohawk Valley - Agency

1612 Genesee Street
Utica, NY

Provides psychotherapy and pastoral counseling to individuals, couples, and families.

ADHD & Autism Psychological Services and Advocacy - Agency

122 Business Park Drive
Suite 1
Utica, NY

Provides outpatient mental health treatment for individuals ages 2 years and older, including assessment for developmental disabilities, including ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders and related neuropsychological disorders.

Vet Center Program - Program
Syracuse VA Medical Center

109 Pine Street
Suite 101
Syracuse, NY

Provides individual and group counseling for combat Veterans and victims of military sexual trauma.

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