On Point for College - Agency
2608 Genesee st
Utica, NY
Provides a college access and success program which helps low-income and first-generation college students enroll and stay in college. Services include support with college and financial aid applications, follow-up advisement, limited financial assistance, transportation to and from college, and provision of college supplies. Offers Career Action Planning which includes career exploration and assessments, career readiness and soft skills training, opportunity fairs, networking, interview …
Teen Line - Agency
PO Box 48750
Los Angeles, CA
Provides a teen-to-teen helpline with trained volunteers available to speak about issues from relationships, anxiety, depression to suicide.
LGBT National Help Center - Agency
2261 Market Street
Suite 296
San Francisco, CA
Provides confidential peer chat lines and internet chat for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning people. Youth-specific lines are available.
Child Find of America - Agency
PO Box 277
New Paltz, NY
Provides services designed to prevent and resolve child abduction and the family conflicts that can lead to abduction and abuse. Assists with location of missing children through activate investigation, registers and assists to locate missing children, distributes photos of missing children, and provides safety information. Prevents child abductions through education. Offers the Parent Helpline to provide services for mothers and fathers parenting apart and family conflict.