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Oneida County

Found 95 resources (displaying 1 - 10)

New York State Commission for the Blind (NYSCB) - Program
New York State Office of Children and Family Services

100 South Salina Street
Suite 105
Syracuse, NY

Administers programs and services to enhance employability, maximize independence, and assist in the development of the capacities and strengths of people who are legally blind. Programs include:Equipment Loan Fund, which allows individuals to borrow up to $4,000 to purchase adaptive equipment.Children's services for children who are legally blind, including early intervention rehabilitation, working with and empowering parents, arranging services to supplement educational activities, and …

Residential Treatment Facility (RTF) - Program
The House of the Good Shepherd

1550 Champlin Avenue
Utica, NY

Provides long-term care for youth with a primary psychiatric diagnosis including mood, thought, conduct, and personality disorders. 

Intensive Treatment Program (ITP) - Program
The House of the Good Shepherd

1550 Champlin Avenue
Utica, NY

Provides an institutional level of care for children who have had negative life experiences and have been identified as hard to place. 

MS Navigator Program - Program
National Multiple Sclerosis Society

1000 Elmwood Avenue
Suite 900
Rochester, NY

Offers people living with MS information they need and provide referral to appropriate community agencies, resources and health care professionals. Provides service management that can help locate and coordinate community resources and benefits for individuals and families facing numerous challenges from MS. Offers short term case management to assist people through difficult challenges of MS.

Connections Program Self-Help Groups - Program
National Multiple Sclerosis Society

1000 Elmwood Avenue
Suite 900
Rochester, NY

Offers peer-facilitated support, self-help and care partner groups. Also offer peer telephone support for people living with MS and their care partners. Web-based support is offered through chat rooms and online groups.

Clinical Services - Program
Center for Family Life and Recovery

502 Court Street
Suite 401
Utica, NY

Provides counseling services to children, youth, adults, couples and families focusing on family relationship, parenting, and substance abuse. Offers an Employee Assistance Program as well as Teen Aggression Reduction to address bullying and issues surrounding youth violence. 

Supported Employment - Program
Heritage Farm, Inc.

3599 State Route 46
Bouckville, NY

Provides support to individuals to help obtain and maintain employment.

Mental Health Services - Program
Oneida County Department of Mental Health

800 Park Avenue
9th Floor
Utica, NY

Provides Single Point of Access/Accountability (SPOA/A) to determine individual's mental health or substance abuse needs. Also accepts referrals for mental health housing and supportive services.  Housing services include Community Residences and Supportive Housing programs.  Supportive services include Health Home Care Management, Intensive Case Management and ACT Team.  Provides referrals to outpatient community mental health services and clinics including assessment and treatment across …

Envrionmental Health - Rabies - Program
Oneida County Health Department

185 Genesee Street
4th Floor
Utica, NY

Offers rabies vaccination clinics. Provides rabies education. Offers rabies vaccination clinics each year. Publishes a calendar on the website ocgov.net/health each year.

Adult Recovery Services - Utica - Program
The Neighborhood Center, Inc.

15-17 Hopper Street
Utica, NY

Provides adults who have mental illness with opportunities to learn and develop independent living skills and job readiness skills.

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