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Found 6 resources (displaying 6)

VaccineFinder - Program

300 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA

Provides information on flu, Hepatitis A, B, HPV, MMR, Shingles, Tdap, Td, Meningococcal, Pneumococcal, and Varicella vaccine providers. Provides updates on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and will have vaccine location information when available.

Medical Care - Ilion - Program
Mosaic Health

55 Central Plaza
Suite B
Ilion, NY

Provides primary medical care for all ages. Well-baby check ups Immunizations, preventative medicine, social services Diabetes and pre-diabetes disease management Physical exams for work and school Behavioral Health services available for medical patients*Provides referrals to dental care at another location.

Medical and Dental Care - Utica - Program
Mosaic Health

1651 Oneida Street
Utica, NY

Provides primary medical and dental care services for all ages. Well-baby check ups Immunizations, preventative medicine, social services Diabetes and pre-diabetes disease management Physical exams for work and school Dental exams, cleanings, x-rays, fillings, extractions, crown and bridge, dentures Behavioral Health services available for medical patients*Does not provide pre-natal care.

Herkimer County Public Health Nursing Service - Program
Herkimer County Public Health Nursing Service

301 N Washington Street
Herkimer, NY

Provides public health services that include:  Rabies Prevention (receive notification of all dog bites in the county and work with the person that was bitten to make sure they get screened for rabies risk and the need for post-exposure prophylaxis). Lead Poisoning Prevention (works with families of children at risk for, or with an elevated blood lead level to reduce that child's level).  Testing is not provided by public health but a referral is made to the NYS office. Immunization Program ( …

Immunization Program - Program
Madison County Public Health

138 N Court Street
Wampsville, NY

Provides age-appropriate vaccines to children and adults including flu vaccines.Clinics are by appointment. Call to schedule an appointment. For a complete list of immunizations provided, visit healthymadisoncounty.org. If an adult or child does not have health insurance, the Madison County Public Health may be able to provide the vaccine through the New York State Immunization Program or based on a sliding fee scale. Please call in advance of the clinic to discuss options.

Immunization Clinic - Program
Oneida County Health Department

406 Elizabeth Street
Utica, NY

Provides immunizations to adults and children.


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