Family & Children's Counseling Services - Agency
201 Cedar Street
Oneida, NY
Provides mental health counseling for youth, adults, and families. Offers substance use disorder treatment and recovery supports including individual and group counseling, peer services, and mobile outreach as well as outpatient services for individuals with co-occuring mental health and substance use disorders. Provides Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) and integreated primary care services.
Cornerstone Mobile Counseling - Agency
417 East German Street
Herkimer, NY
Connects low-income individuals and families to a local licensed counselor on the same day when possible. Counselors go to where the client is located (either in the home or a public place) and provide mental health counseling, case management, and support.
Give an Hour - Agency
Provides a network of volunteer mental health professionals who provide counseling to military personnel, Veterans and their families, rare disease caregivers, victims of natural and man-made disasters. Services are provided via phone, video, and in-person, one hour per week for a year.
First Candle - Agency
49 Locust Avenue
Suite 104
New Canaan, CT
Offers telephone bereavement counseling and online for support groups for anyone that has suffered the loss of a baby frin sudden unexpected infant death(SUID).