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Rehabilitation/Habilitation Services

Found 60 resources (displaying 51 - 60)

Clinical Services - Program
The Arc of Madison Cortland

701 Lenox Avenue
Oneida, NY

Provides individualized rehabilitative support services in the following clinical disciplines: Psychiatry Behavior Counseling Social Work Counseling Psychological Assessments  Podiatry Speech Therapy Nutrition Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Counseling

LutheranCare - Program

108-110 Utica Road
Clinton, NY

Provides skilled nursing and comprehensive long term care. Offers adult day care. Provides physical, occupational, and speech therapy. The Memory Care Cottages offer personalized care for those with special needs.

Outpatient Rehabilitation Services - Program
Bassett Healthcare Network

690 W German Street
Herkimer, NY

Provides outpatient rehabilitation services that include: Physical therapy. Occupational therapy. Speech therapy.

Home Care Services - Program
Community Health Center of Saint Mary's Healthcare and Nathan Littauer Hospital

2-8 West Main Street
Johnstown, NY

Provides skilled in-home health care: Health aides. Nursing.  Physical, occupational, speech and respiratory therapies. 

Orientation and Mobility Services - Program
Central Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CABVI)

507 Kent Street
Utica, NY

Teaches blind and visually impaired individuals techniques for determining locations and traveling safely in homes, schools, workplaces, and communities. Area of instruction include indoor navigation, community travel, public transportation, street crossings, sighted guide techniques, vision and sensory training, use of a cane and other mobility tools, route planning, and spatial and environmental concept and development.

Freedom Guide Dogs for the Blind - Agency

1210 Hardscrabble Road
Cassville, NY

Provides a home-based style of training that allows Freedom Guide Dogs to bring a trained guide dog directly to the blind or visually impaired individual's home where they train with them for 2-3 weeks in their new environment.

Ear, Nose and Throat Services - Program
Oneida Health

221 Broad Street
Suite 201
Oneida, NY

Provides diagnosis and treatment of conditions that affect the functioning of the ears, nose or throat.

Hearing Specialists of Oneida - Program
Oneida Health

221 Broad Street
Oneida, NY

Provides a full-range of diagnostic audiology services, for adult and pediatric patients. 

Speech Pathology - Program
Oneida Health

221 Broad Street
Oneida, NY

Provides video fluoroscopic and clinical bedside swallowing evaluations and therapy, speech-language therapy (including voice treatment, fluency training, motor speech treatment and receptive and expressive language rehabilitation) and cognitive evaluation and therapy.

Clinical Evaluation Services - Program

725 Daedalion Drive
Rome, NY

Provides diagnostic evaluations and psychological evaluations as well as therapy and counseling for individuals and families.

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