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Found 15 resources (displaying 1 - 10)

Central New York Labor Agency - UCAN - Agency

287 Genesee Street
Utica, NY

Provides training on volunteering and helping out the community to union members as well as contract negotiations.

BOCES Consortium of Continuing Education Adult Education Literacy Programs - Program
Madison-Oneida Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES)

4937 Spring Road
Verona, NY

Provides occupation skill trainings in: Health care occupations. Building trades. Manufacturing. Offers additions classes in: Art. Music. Language. Fitness. Computers.   Services are also offered at the following locations: CNY Veteran's Outreach Center 726 Washington Street, Utica NY Resource Center for Independent Living 409 Columbia Street, Oneida NY Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES 4747 Middle Settlement Road, New Hartford NY

Career and Technical Education (CTE) - Program
Jefferson-Lewis-Hamilton-Herkimer-Oneida BOCES

5836 NYS Route 12
Glenfield, NY

Provides occupational training to secondary students and adults. Designed to provide career exploration and community-based work experience to interested high school seniors throughout the North Country. 

Academy of Peer Services - Agency

194 Washington Avenue
Suite 400
Albany, NY

Provides an online, on-demand, and self-directed training and testing website with a range of interactive multimedia courses for individuals seeking peer specialist certification. Offers a virtual learning community for peer specialists at https://aps-community.org/about/. 

Skills for Success Job Training - Program
Rescue Mission of Utica

293 Genesee Street
Utica, NY

Provides education and training in carpentry and masonry with hands on experience as well as 6 month classroom course.

Utica City Fire Department - Program
City of Utica

552 Bleecker Street
Utica, NY

Protects the lives and property of the community by providing services in the event of fire, medical emergencies, and disasters or any other event which may threaten the public welfare. Offers training programs to cover all aspects of firefighting, fire safety, fire rescue, and other associated first responder skills and techniques.

Career Connections - Program
Arc Herkimer

257 N Main Street
Herkimer, NY

*Connection Connections assists individuals in obtaining meaningful employment. Resume preparation Job application assistance Interview practice Job coaching once employment has been obtained Prevocational services Work Readiness classes Self Advocacy services Paid Work Experience Job Assessments

Career Services - Program
Mohawk Valley Latino Association

1640 Oneida Street
First Floor
Utica, NY

Assists with searches for employment and training opportunities. Resume building, job training, and interview coaching provided.

Utica Career Center - Agency

207 Genesee Street
Utica, NY

Provides employment-related services that include universal access to job search and labor market information. Resource room includes access to personal computers, fax machine, and internet access for job search. Partners from various agencies provide basic information on a variety of services. NYS Department of Labor staff are available to assist with job search. Intensive services may include skill assessment, career counseling, and tuition assistance.Assists employers in recruiting, hiring, …

Rescue Mission Learning Center - Program
Rescue Mission of Utica

1013 West Street
Utica, NY

Provides GED courses, college prep, enhanced reading, math and writing skills, interview skills, resume writing, financial, and computer literacy.

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