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Found 6 resources (displaying 6)

Lead-Free Mohawk Valley / Lead Safe Utica - Program
HomeOwnership Center

1611 Genesee Street
Utica, NY

*Addresses lead hazards in privately owned housing.*Aims to prevent childhood lead poisoning by creating lead-safe housing*Helps homeowners, landlords, and tenants control hazards from lead in paint, soil and dust.*Works in coordination with HEPA Vacuum Loaner Program and Lead Poisoning Prevention Education 

Asbestos Abatement/Management Ombudsman - Program
United States Environmental Protection Agency

1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC

Provides information to the public, including individual citizens and community services, about the handling, abatement, and management of asbestos in schools, the work place, and the home.

Environmental Health - Program
Madison County Department of Health

138 N Court Street
Wampsville, NY

Preserves and protects the public from diseases, environmental hazards and health risks through direct services and enforcement of health codes. Monitoring, processing and investigation of complaints regarding: Food protection Air quality in homes including issues such as mold, carbon monoxide and radon Lead poisoning prevention and hazard assessments Public water systems Individual sewage and water testing recommendations Public health nuisances Prevention of vector borne diseases Smoking …

Healthy Homes of Madison County - Program
Madison County Department of Health

138 N Court Street
Wampsville, NY

This is a health education and referral program. This is not a home repair or licensed home inspection service.  Provides a free in-home visual health and safety check-up. Develops with the client a plan to reduce hazards and safety concerns identified. Initiates follow-up with resources, referrals and free low-cost products (subject to availability) to help residents meet individual home improvement goals. Seeks to improve health and safety in homes by: Reducing indoor air pollution and …

Disaster Preparedness - Program
American Red Cross of Eastern New York

33 Everett Road
Albany, NY

Provides educational workshops concerning disaster preparedness for people of all age groups. Provides free smoke alarms for families.

Utica City Fire Department - Program
City of Utica

552 Bleecker Street
Utica, NY

Protects the lives and property of the community by providing services in the event of fire, medical emergencies, and disasters or any other event which may threaten the public welfare. Offers training programs to cover all aspects of firefighting, fire safety, fire rescue, and other associated first responder skills and techniques.


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