Dial 2-1-1 or 1-844-342-5211

Danube Highway Department


Maintains all town roads including paving & repair, snow removal, street sweeping, and signage in the Town of Danube.

Eligibility: Individuals within the Town of Danube

Application Process: Call for information and services

Required Documentation: None

Fees: None

Town of Danube

Town of Danube

Provides services and programs to residents and visitors to the Town of Danube.

438 Creek Road
Little Falls NY 13365

Website: towndanube.digitaltowpath.org:10011/content

Hours: By appointment; call for availability

Disabled: Fully Accessible


Highway Department:
Highway Department Fax:

Email: danubehighway@gmail.com

Website: towndanube.digitaltowpath.org:10011/content/Departments/View/4

438 Creek Road
Little Falls NY 13365


Monday - Friday, 7 AM - 3:30 PM


Loren Horender
Highway Supervisor

Disabilities Access

Fully Accessible