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Cazenovia Department of Public Works


Maintains all town roads including paving & repair, snow removal, street sweeping, and signage in the Village of Cazenovia.  

Picks up residential brush & leaves and provides waste management information for Village of Cazenovia residents. 

Eligibility: Individuals within the Village of Cazenovia

Application Process: Call for information and services

Required Documentation: None

Fees: None

Village of Cazenovia

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Village of Cazenovia

Provides services and programs to residents and visitors to the Village of Cazenovia.

90 Albany Street
Cazenovia NY 13035

Website: www.villageofcazenovia.com

Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM

Disabled: Fully Accessible


Highway Department:
Highway Department Fax:
Highway Garage:

Email: pwa@villageofcazenoviany.gov

Website: villageofcazenovia.com/public-works

William Street
Cazenovia NY 13035


Monday - Thursday, 7 AM - 3 PM
Friday, 7 AM - 11 AM


Bill Carr
DPW Supervisor

Disabilities Access

Limited accessibility; call for details

This program is offered at this site:

Cazenovia Village DPW Garage

Main Address:

William Street

Cazenovia NY 13035

