211 Mid-York - Agency
Provides comprehensive information and referral for human services for Herkimer, Madison, and Oneida counties.
211/LIFE LINE - Program
422 South Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY
Offers crisis intervention and suicide hotline services. Offers comprehensive information and referral to community human services. Provides online chat services.
Advocacy - Program
Resource Center for Independent Living, Inc.
131 Genesee Street
Utica, NY
Provides active support and guidance to people with disabilities, and help ensure that an individual’s choices for living independently are respected. Advocates can answer questions and provide assistance with applications for Social Security Disability and SSI, Temporary Assistance, HEAP, Medicaid, Food Stamps, and housing. Advocates can also assist recipients of DSS with understanding sanctions and the steps for Fair Hearings. Peer Mentoring Information and Referral Independent Living …
Arthritis Foundation - Agency
1355 Peachtree Street NE
Suite 600
Atlanta, GA
Offers information and referral for individuals with arthritis and their family members and caregivers. Assists individuals living with arthritis get connected with resources, advocacy, and community supports, including support groups.